It's true that there are only so many hours in a day, but I dispute the disconnectedness of studies, work, family, fitness and all the rest of it. The successes in one teach you discipline and give you confidence for the rest.
I've not been on the earth for too long yet, but even in my short time I've already seen several people get started down the road improving one facet of their lives and end up having that spill over into others. I like to think of it as "waking up." You can muck about without direction, going to work (if you even have a job), eating whatever's around or cheap or easy, watching whatever's on TV, hanging out with whoever's free and then going to bed whenever you feel like it and repeating it the next day. That's the "sleeping" part. Some folks sleep their whole lives, but some eventually wake up and realize that if they put their mind to it they can accomplish a bit more than that.
I don't know if he'd tell it the way I'm telling it, but from the outside looking in, it appears that my brother has "woken up" in the past year or so. He was working an okay job and having an okay life, but he wasn't happy with his fitness level or his career or his education. So he did something about it. He signed up for the gym (and actually went - signing up isn't impressive, but overcoming the daily excuses for a long period is), got a more promising job, transferred to a more challenging college, moved out of the house, and started playing ultimate for his new college.
I don't know if he's happier yet or perhaps too stressed to even know with all of the changes, but he seems to be looking and moving better than he used to.
As I mentioned in a few previous posts, I'm spending a bit of time in my old stomping grounds of Va, so one of the things I really wanted to do was make time to watch his college team. I never got to play college ultimate so I'm kind of living vicariously through him.
He had a tournament this weekend at Lake Fairfax which isn't too far from where we grew up. It's a bit of a hike from where I'm staying, but compared to the flight from Ca, it's nothing! I made it out to find them starting a game against Virginia Tech - the rival school to my UVA. The game was pretty normal for college pre-season. Some athleticism for sure.
A nice effort for an overthrown disc |
My bro warming up |
After 10 or so points, the defense finally put one in - my brother scored what in ultimate we call a "break." Like breaking a serve in tennis, if the defense scores when the offense is expected to do so, it's called a break.
Hangin' out in the endzone |
Speaking of testing things out, my brother was being evaluated to move up from the 'B' team to the 'A' team and on the strength of this fall's performance he made the cut.
He hasn't won nationals or cured cancer yet, but for a guy that was overweight and out of shape and had never played serious ultimate a year or two ago, it's quite the accomplishment. The easy thing would have been to stay asleep - keep coming home and goofing off, stay at the old comfy job with no future all of that.
He decided to shake things up though and while he's not done yet, he's added a notch on the belt for sure. I'm not sure if he's proud of himself, but I am and he should be. =)