Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Meeting my Nephew

My heart is breaking for my sister and the con that she called "love"
When I look into my nephew's eyes...
Man, you wouldn't believe the most amazing things that can come from...
Some terrible lies...
~Fun - "Some Nights"
So I don't know how many lies were involved, but I ended up with a nephew just about the time this song made it big.  His name is my name, although I think we're both named for my grandpa more than he's named for me.

Either way, I've committed to teaching him all of the things that a good uncle should teach a young boy.  How to drive fast cars and faster planes, drink beer and whiskey (only AFTER the driving), stay up late playing video games and wear sunglasses indoors and... how to go on adventures!

I had planned on coming out to Virginia to meet him around now anyway, but we had to head over earlier for unrelated reasons.  Either way I finally got to see what my sister was on about.

They say that all babies are the same, but that's just like all animals are equal: some are more equal than others.  I think when you know you're related there's a bit of extra attachment.

Either way, here he is and I think he's kinda okay-looking.  You can judge for yourself.

Sunglasses at night.

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