Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grunion Banquet

Although my rugby season ended back in January when I broke my ankle, the remaining Grunions soldiered on until recently.

The season gave us some things to celebrate and some things to forget about.  In proud Santa Barbarian tradition, we accomplished both with beer and the beach.

As any rugby player knows, the first priority to be considered when selecting a sport is safety.  That's why we opted to amuse ourselves by drinking beers out of a whiffle ball bat, spinning around and then trying to hit a ball.  

An idea whose time has come

Another important lesson about rugby players: following the practices of our sport's British Prep School  heritage, rugby players always attend banquet ceremonies in proper formal attire.

It was a white-ish tie event.
 Jon Bell has a lot going for him.  In addition to being a standout at lock (that's a rugby position), he also plays ultimate, sails (he's in a sailing race from CA to HI presently!) and displays some mad carpentry skills.  Those skills were on display when it came time to bring out the season trophies.

Coach KB handing out some well-earned bling

Good times were had by all, as they usually are when the Grunions are involved.  No one was injured either, as pretty much never happens when the Grunions are involved.  I guess we can call the whole thing a success and tie it up with a nice sunset photo bow.

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