Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hawaii - May 30 - Oahu Departure and Kauai Arrival

At some point, our whirlwind tour of Oahu was going to have to end.  Too little time, too many islands to visit.

Melch signing the guestbook at our cool little vacation house

We got up way too early in the morning, turned in the rental, navigated the indignities of TSA goonery, and hopped on for the short flight from Honolulu, Oahu to Lihue, Kauai.

Unlike Oahu, where Melch and I had been many times and had many more activity ideas than we had time to program them, Kauai was going to be a new experience.  After picking up our rental, we followed the recommendation of the man at the counter and made our way down for some breakfast along the scenic Nawiliwili Bay.  We picked out a breakfast place with a second-story view of the bay and sat down for some Hawaiian-style breakfast.

With our stomaches thus filled, we were ready for our next activity - a visit to the Koloa Rum Company!  I'd heard about them while on Oahu and they were close to our breakfast spot so there was no doubt that we were going.

The rum company's tasting room is on a small plantation/park sort of thing where they have a bunch of other tourist activities too.

It was a toss-up between the spiced and the dark for me, but then again it always is...

Wonder why they call it the "Garden Island"

Thus fortified, we set out to tour some of the island's landmarks.  There was an ancient man-made fishing pool nearby:

Menehune Pool
And an even more-ancient, nature-made waterfall:

Wailua Falls
 And a whole mess of beaches:

Wailua Beach

And our very own lodging for the week:

Balcony View
We also checked out the humane society.  They had some pretty swank arrangements and a field trip program where visiting tourists can check a dog out for the day and take them on a trip.  That's just the sort of thing we might be interested in...

Finally we wrapped up the day with a bit more alcohol-fueled tourism.  Kauai Beer Company was on our way back to the motel, so we gave them a look-see-taste.

Not a bad day considering how little sleep we'd had and the usual struggles dealing with post-TSA travel.

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